This is Why We Need Specialty Dentistry

The world of dentistry has evolved a lot over the last two centuries. From the earliest days of dental treatments, when barbers handled tooth extractions and trepanation was used to treat a number of ailments, dentistry has come a long way. Today it is one of the most important areas in healthcare – not only for our overall health but also for our appearance and confidence levels.

There are a lot of ways that one can go about taking good care of their teeth, which we’ll be covering later in today’s article. It’s just good to know that no matter what’s wrong with your mouth, there’s always a way to get it fixed. Whether you’re missing teeth, have cavities, or are dealing with any other dental issues – dentists can help you out.

Dentists also specialize in more than just tooth care and extraction; they use the latest technologies and techniques to make sure your smile is looking its best. 

From implants and bridges for those missing teeth to cosmetic procedures such as veneers or whitening treatments – dentistry has something for everyone who wants their mouth back in top shape without sacrificing their appearance.

While all of these services have revolutionized the field of general dentistry, many people don’t realize that there are now even more specialized areas that focus on specific problems related to oral health. Today we’re going to learn more about specialty dentistry and why its practitioners are so important.

Specialty Dentistry in a Nutshell

If you’ve ever been to the dentist, you know that there are a lot of different services available. From fillings and cleanings, to root canals and crowns – general dentists provide a wide range of treatments for patients. But what happens when you have an issue that goes beyond the scope of general dentistry? That’s where specialty dentists come in.

Specialty dentists focus on specific areas related to oral health, such as: 

  • Endodontics: 
    • This specialty focuses on treating diseases affecting the inner tissues inside our teeth (root canals). 
  • Orthodontics
    • This specialty focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of malocclusions (misaligned teeth). 
  • Periodontics: 
    • This specialty focuses on treating diseases that affect the gum tissue and bone surrounding our teeth. 
  • Oral Surgery: 
    • This specialty deals with surgery related to the mouth, jawbone, or face. – Pediatric Dentistry: This specializes in dentistry for children from infancy to adolescence.  
  • Prosthodontics:
    • This specializes in making dental prostheses such as bridges and dentures.
  •  Forensic Dentistry: 
    • This specialty focuses on identifying individuals from their tooth remains. 

These are just a few of the many specialties that exist in dentistry today – and new ones are being developed all the time. Specialty dentists have additional training beyond the standard dental school curriculum, and they can provide the highest quality care for even the most complex oral health issues.

There are a number of conditions that can only be treated by a specialty dentist, such as: 

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders 
    • This refers to disorders affecting the jaw joint.
  • Cleft lips or palates 
    • These are birth defects that affect your facial structure and need special treatment from an expert orthodontist or pediatric dentist.
  • Impacted teeth 
    • When teeth become stuck in the gum line due to overcrowding it requires special attention from an oral surgeon.
  • Facial deformities 
    • These require specialized surgical intervention by trained professionals who specialize in craniofacial surgery or plastic surgery of the face and neck area
  • Oral cancer 
    • This requires specialized treatment from an oncologist and a dental team who specialize in oncology.

The bottom line is that there are many oral health issues that require special attention, and it’s important to remember that not all dentists are created equal. The right specialty dentist can make a huge difference in your overall health and well-being, so it’s important to find the one who is best suited for your particular needs.

It’s also worth noting that many insurance plans cover some of the costs associated with specialty dentistry treatments, so don’t be afraid to ask about coverage when you’re looking into treatment options for yourself or a loved one. It may just save you money in the long run!

How to Try and Avoid the Specialty Dentist Chair

While it’s important to know that there are specialty dentists when needed, we should all be striving to avoid having to visit one in the first place. The best way to do this is by taking good care of our teeth and gums – something that may seem like a chore but can save us from a lot of pain and money down the road.

There are many things that one can do to ensure that they have good oral health, which can significantly reduce the risk of having to see a specialty dentist. In case you’re unsure of what those things are, let’s take a look:

Should I consider a Dental Specialty Program in Canada?

  • Brushing your teeth: 
    • This should be done twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. 
  • Flossing: 
    • This should be done at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque from between our teeth. 
  • Eating healthy foods: 
    • Eating a balanced diet with low sugar content can help keep your teeth strong, as well as providing the vitamins and minerals that are essential for good oral health. 
  • Regular dental visits: 
    • Visiting the dentist twice a year is important for keeping an eye on any changes in your mouth, catching small problems before they become major ones, and getting professional cleanings to remove tartar buildup.
  • Using a mouthwash: 
    • This can help reduce the buildup of plaque and bacteria in your mouth, as well as freshening breath. 
  • Brushing your tongue: 
    • This kind of fits in with brushing your teeth, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do it. Brushing your tongue can help reduce bad breath and keep bacteria in check. 

It’s also important to note that certain habits such as smoking or using drugs can significantly increase the risk of developing oral health problems, so if you’re engaging in these activities then it’s highly recommended that you quit right away – for both your physical and mental wellbeing.

Now, if you’re worried you might need a specialty dentist, there are some tell-tale signs for you to watch out for. These can include: 

  • Severe pain in the teeth or gums: 
    • Mouth pain is the worst, but if it’s persistent then you should make an appointment with your dentist to get it checked out. 
  • Uneven teeth alignment: 
    • If your teeth don’t seem to line up properly, or if you can feel them rubbing against each other when talking or eating – this is a sign of malocclusion and could indicate the need for orthodontic treatment. 
  • Loose or missing teeth: 
    • Loose teeth may be caused by gum disease, while missing ones could imply anything from decay to trauma. Either way, these are signs that something isn’t right and requires further investigation by a specialist dentist.  
  • Bleeding gums: 
    • This can also be indicative of gum disease, so pay attention if your gums bleed during brushing or flossing – as this could mean more serious action needs to be taken in order for proper dental health maintenance going forward. 
  • Jaw pain or problems opening/closing your mouth: 
    • While these can be indicative of TMJ disorder, they could also mean something else – so it’s important to get yourself checked out by an experienced specialist if this is the case.

In any case, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms then make sure to book an appointment with your dentist right away. Chances are they’ll be able to diagnose and treat the problem quickly and easily, but if not then they may refer you on for specialty care in order to ensure that you receive the best treatment possible. 

Generally speaking, you would start off with a general dentist first and then move on to a specialist if needed. This is because general dentists are more familiar with your overall dental health, whereas specialists often focus on one particular area such as orthodontics or oral surgery. 

In the end, it’s important to remember that prevention is always better than cure when it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene – so make sure that you’re taking care of yourself by brushing twice daily, flossing once a day, eating healthy foods and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings! Taking all these steps will go a long way towards avoiding having to see the dreaded specialty dentist chair in the future – something we can all be thankful for!

Getting Your Mouth in Tip-Top Shape

In conclusion, specialty dentists are essential for providing treatments and care for complex dental issues that general practitioners cannot handle on their own. This kind of specialized treatment can help keep your teeth and gums in top shape, so it’s important to be aware of when you might need one – as well as what you can do to prevent having to visit them in the first place!

Everyone deserves a healthy, happy smile – and with the help of both general dentists and specialty dentists, you can keep yours looking perfect for years to come! So make sure to take care of your teeth and gums – it’s worth it in the long run.